About Me

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Aurora, Ontario, Canada
I am a lover of all things created, history, travel, art and literature. I spend my time with family and friends, working hard and creating things, pretty much in that order. My passion is to make beautiful things to wear, mostly accessories, jewelry, belts, clutches, hair adornments, brooches etc. I create mostly using fabric , fibres, metals, jewels, pins, chain, clips, buttons and more. I have a shop on Etsy.com which I sometimes have a little trouble maintaining depending on the time of year and how busy I am. Check out my Etsy Shop www.etsy.com/shop/dressedtothe9s or click on the box on the left to go directly there.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter Blah's!

It's around this time of year that we all start feeling a little blue, maybe it's because winter is too long and Christmas is past or because we feel trapped indoors and unable to really stretch our legs and get moving. That's what I find hard about winter. I love to run and get outside but the cold is so nasty it makes it difficult and the snow makes it hard to run outside so I end up using my treadmill and it's not quite the same workout for me.
This is a great time to create. Creating things is very fulfilling and if you can sit by a window and work on things with the sun shining on you all the better! Make it something bright and cheerful and it will put a smile on your face.

One of my flower brooch/corsage creations

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